i love to crochet. if i could quit my job and crochet full-time, i totally would. unfortunately, there's not a lot of money to be had in small crocheted animals. trust me, i'm trying to sell them and, so far, it ain't payin' the bills. (and there are so many bills!)
anyway, for christmas, my lovely husband, the fish monger, bought me a table-top studio so i could take better pictures of my ami's. cute, right?
sheesh. you should see the crap i was passing as product photos before this. on second thought, no, you shouldn't. they're awful. of course, this means that i'll have to make all new stuff for my shop for the sole purpose of rephotographing them. craaaaap.
anyway, if you're so inclined, you can buy this little guy for yourself in my etsy shop: www.hamandeggs.etsy.com/
Looks awesome! What a great gift idea!
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